2021 Big Yak pics and summary

2025 Big Yak Booklet click here soon!

2024 Big Yak Summary

Greetings all,
The 75th Big Yak was a tremendous success. Mother nature cooperated niely. We could not have ordered better weather. We had 152 shooters! That is the most in recent memory.
We couldn't have done it without the help of our wonderful volunteers! A big THANK YOU to all of you. Jon Cichowski, DJ Blankenship, Jim Thorne, James Klingele and Ed Klingele all won shoot tickets.
The winners of the blankets were John Mullins, Corey Rogers, George Barnett, Michael Kent, and Tom Olesen. The runner up team that won the beaded belt buckles were Paul Klingele, Joe Snell, Thomas Stewart. Michael Davis and Jennifer Klingele. Another big thank you to Carrie Story and her family for providing the blankets, to Jayden Barnes for making the buckles and DJ and Renee Blankenship for coordinating it. 
Several of our club members won trophies. Two of our Claybusters won trophies. Jacob Clark and Alex Bellotti. Don Lint, Mark Peterson, Jennifer Klingele, John Cushing and Janet Shields were all winners!

We will do it all again in March for the Spring Yak. Come on out and join the fun!

Deanna Turnbull

Yakima Valley Smallbore Rifle League

Contact:   Leonard Pittman 509-697-6847
(Our range is limited to rimfire 22LR)

WAKUAW Archery Club

Contact Jim Garner

"Big Yak"

 As we have for over 75 years, we will again award to the 1st place squads all-wool blankets with the official “Big Yak” logo beautifully embroidered on each blanket. In addition, the 2nd place squad will receive a belt buckle you will be proud to display among your trophies.